
Thank you for thinking about applying for PASS. 

Please note that applications for PASS are now closed. Please sign up for our Outreach Newsletter to find out more about the next application round. 


Applicants applying must meet the following criteria:

School Type The applicant has attended a state school between the ages of 11-18 or for the majority of that period.
Level Undergraduate or graduate and not currently or completed the Bar Professional Training Course
Academic ability Applicants will need to be predicted (or have received) at least a 2:1 in their degree.

We also assess applications on the following criteria. The more of these you meet, the more chance your application has of being accepted.

Free School Meals whether the candidate at some point received Free School Meals
Maintenance While at school, the candidate’s parents were in receipt of either income support or housing benefits or they themselves are in receipt of income or housing benefits
Care Leavers The candidate was in care at any point in their schooling. A care leaver is someone who has been in the care of the Local Authority for a period of 13 weeks or more spanning their 16th birthday.
Parental experience of higher education The candidate is the first generation to access higher education in their family.
School Area Preference is given to those students who have attended schools with a low attainment and progression to higher education.

What if I am not eligible?

The Inner Temple can still support you, even if you’re not eligible for PASS, through our tours and advice sessions. Email to find out more. 

The application process is spilt into two stages:

First stage:

Complete the application form. You should upload your CV and two references. 

  • One reference should be academic, 
  • The second reference should speak about your skills. 

If you’re not currently in education, then you can provide a professional reference rather than an academic reference. You need to also provide proof you’ve received a 2.1 or above in your undergraduate. 

  • If you've taken part in one of our partner programmes, you need to upload evidence of your participation.
  • We do not accept references from family members. Please see our rules on applying for more information. 
CV We ask you to upload a CV. If you’re successful in gaining a place on PASS, this will be passed onto Chambers in advance of your mini-pupillage.

Second stage:

In August we will invite eligible applicants to complete a pre-recorded video interview. The video interview will ask you a set of questions and you will be assessed against our strength profile, which is set out here

Application Information The application form can only be filled out in one sitting. You can’t save it and come back to it.

Application Rules

Once applications are reviewed to ensure they meet the basic criteria, the personal specification will be reviewed. The initial reviewer of the personal specification stage will not have seen the students’ basic criteria to remove bias. Once the weightings across all stages have been totalled, a joint meeting of the Outreach Team will take place to mediate applications. Once applications are reviewed the Outreach Team will meet with Outreach Committee Chair and Vice-Chair or nominated members of the Outreach Committee. At this meeting a report on applications scoring will be provided as a final form of mediation however scores will not be readjusted at this meeting. Any applications that are borderline and have not been agreed will be decided at this meeting. The decision of this group is final.
Candidates should have their applications checked before submission, however it should remain their own work.
Please note that candidates for the Commercial Bar Association Scholarship may only apply for a scholarship to one Inn of Court only. Multiple applications are not allowed, and the Inns circulate to one another a list of applicants for all scholarships and awards. The Commercial Bar Association has the final decision over the allocation of COMBAR scholarships. Application information for the Commercial Bar Association Scholarship is shared with the Commercial Bar Association.
Candidates do not need to join the Inn before making an application or during participation on the scheme.
Applications are made on a form which can be found on-line.
Prospective applicants must note them carefully: they are observed strictly. Applications closed at 10.00 on 30 July 2021.
Applicants must arrange that those providing references do so using the guidelines supplied with the application form and send them directly to the Outreach Team before the relevant closing date. Undergraduates must arrange for a tutor or director of studies to provide one of the references. Applicants’ other academic references may be from the head of a former school or someone of similar standing. In the case of mature applicants, references from an employer are acceptable, bearing in mind that all references should be as detailed as possible. Please note that members of family cannot provide references. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that references reach the Outreach Team by the relevant closing date: applications presented without appropriate references will not be considered.
Candidates who have participated in one of the partner schemes must show evidence that they participated in this scheme. This can be included in one or both of the references.
Applicants must notify the Outreach Manager in writing of any relevant changes in circumstances – such as degree results – as soon as possible.
We can provided limited feedback to any candidates after interview. The Inner Temple’s decision is final.
Any applicant who canvasses directly or indirectly will be disqualified.
Applicants should be honest in their application and during their time on the Pegasus Access and Support Scheme, raising any issues or concerns at the earliest opportunity
This should be reflected in the candidate’s application, as well as a possible video interview following the application. The application and CV should be proofread for spelling and grammatical errors before submission.


We encourage applications from mature applicants and applicants with disabilities. If you are unable to apply online or to discuss any adjustments you may require during the process, please contact in confidence James Carlberg

James Carlberg

Outreach Co-ordinator


Insight events, Next Step Sessions, schools outreach including Discovery Days and Pegasus Access and Support Scheme

James Carlberg

Outreach Co-ordinator


Insight events, Next Step Sessions, schools outreach including Discovery Days and Pegasus Access and Support Scheme

James Carlberg

Outreach Co-ordinator


Insight events, Next Step Sessions, schools outreach including Discovery Days and Pegasus Access and Support Scheme