The Long List

The Inner Temple Book Prize judging panel is pleased to announce the following books have entered the long list for the Main and New Author's prize. We will announce the shortlisted books on 20 September.

Main Prize

N.W. Barber: The Principles of Constitutionalism 
Oxford University Press

Jo Braithwaite: The Financial Courts: Adjudicating Disputes in Derivatives Markets 
Cambridge University Press

Simon Chesterman: We, the Robots? Regulating Artificial Intelligence and the Limits of the Law 
Cambridge University Press

Neil Duxbury: The Intricacies of Dicta and Dissent 
Cambridge University Press

Dimitrios Giannoulopoulos: Improperly Obtained Evidence in Anglo-American and Continental Law 
Hart Publishing

Richard Helmholz: The Profession of Ecclesiastical Lawyers: An Historical Introduction 
Cambridge University Press

Paul Lambert: The Right to be Forgotten 

Camilla Parker: Adolescent Mental Health Care and the Law 
Legal Action Group

William Phelan: Great Judgments of the European Court of Justice : Rethinking the Landmark Decisions of the Foundational Period
Cambridge University Press

Hélène Tyrrell: Human Rights in the UK and the Influence of Foreign Jurisprudence 
Hart Publishing


New Authors

Joanna Bell: The Anatomy of Administrative Law 
Hart Publishing 

Joshua Hitchens and Niamh Daly: Forced Marriage Law and Practice 

Richard Martin: Policing Human Rights: Law, Narratives, and Practice 
Oxford University Press

Gabrielle Watson: Respect and Criminal Justice 
Oxford University Press