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Disability at the Bar | Inner Temple

Disability at the Bar

Inner Temple is committed to widening access to the modern Bar. As such, we are undertaking some research on the challenges faced by aspiring barristers with disabilities and we need your input. If you’d like to contribute to a focus group discussion on the points below, please email

The group will be asked the following:

How do we increase the Inn’s engagement with aspiring barristers with a disability?
What’s the best way for us to do that both within our current programmes and in terms of events and activities we could develop?

What issues are individuals with disabilities faced with when they consider a career at the Bar?
We would like to think about this as widely as possible, considering visibility of disability within the profession, discrimination, unconscious bias and other societal factors, and also more pragmatic problems like access to sets of chambers, courts and the Inns of Court.

1. Taking part and options for withdrawal?

Participation is voluntary and you can withdraw at any point. If you do not wish to take apart it will not affect how we provide our advice and information services to you in any way.

2. What do I have to do?

You will be asked to attend a focus group organised and delivered by Daisy Mortimer, Outreach Coordinator.
This might be as part of set one to one interviews or within a group that will involve up to 6 other participants. The group will last about an hour. The group will be asked to share views and experiences on a range of issues focusing on those that individuals with disabilities are faced with when they consider a career at the Bar, and on how we increase the Inn’s engagement with aspiring barristers with a disability.
We will be taking notes and audio recording the event. Only the research team will listen back to and transcribe key themes from the audio recording.

3. What are the risks associated with this project?

Your cooperation in this research will take up some of your personal time.

4. What are the benefits of taking part?

You will be helping to improve the understanding of access issues with the barrister profession, for people who have disabilities.
Your contributions will help us create solutions and improve visibility of this issue.

5. Data protection & confidentiality

All information you provide will be securely kept on a password protected computer. No names or organisations will be identified within the research process unless you specifically consent to this. Data from any focus groups will be kept securely and fully anonymised. Names and other identifying features will not be used in any reports. Any demographic information we collect and use will be used purely to provide context to any quotations in the report. Any personal and sensitive data (for example, names, ethnicity, age, gender) will not be kept with the data collected from the focus groups.

6. What if I have a question?
If you have any query about the focus group you can speak directly with the researcher (Daisy Mortimer (Outreach Coordinator) or alternatively you may speak to the Outreach Manager, Struan Campbell (

7. What will happen with the results of the study?

A report will be written and presented to internal governance committee of the Inner Temple. The report may be shared publically. All data used directly from participants will be fully anonymised.

8. Who has reviewed this study?

The study has been reviewed and approved by internal governance committees of the Inner Temple. It was commissioned by the Outreach Committee of the Inner Temple.