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Becoming a barrister newsletter
Thinking of becoming a Barrister? Make sure you get the facts and figures about becoming a Barrister sign up to the Inner Temple’s monthly outreach newsletter.
Helping you get up to date information on scholarships deadlines, news and events about becoming a Barrister, there are also tips and tricks on making the most of your journey to becoming a Barrister.
We know that as a career and academic advisor you play an important part in supporting students and graduates in their journey to becoming a Barrister.
The Inner Temple wants to provide you with the most up to date information on deadlines, funding, events and an insight into becoming a Barrsiter. This is to support you to provide the best possible information to your students and graduates.
Written by the Inner Temple's Outreach Team, Advisors Newsletter provides you with a timely and relevant source of information.
Are you a President of a Bar Society or Bar Careers or Liaison Officer at your Law Society? Sign up for our termly newsletter dedicated to letting you know about funding opportunities, events and advice and guidance on running your Bar activities.
The personal data we collect will be used for the following purposes:
To contact you about Inner Temple activities, programmes and funding that might support you in becoming a Barrister
To provide you with information on behalf of partner organisations (for example the General Council of the Bar) that might support you in becoming a Barrister
Your data will be processed by the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple for the administration of the Inn’s outreach activities. Your data will not be shared with any third party.
Should you wish to have your data removed, or should you wish to withdraw your consent to receiving information at any point, you should contact with your request.