Joining an Inn of Court

If you are a Solicitor, qualified legal practitioner from another relevant jurisdiction or an academic wishing to transfer to the Bar, you will need to apply to the Bar Standards Board in the first instance. Depending on your experience and qualifications, they will send you a letter detailing their decision with the conditions you must fulfil in order to be called to the Bar.

Once you have received your letter from the Bar Standards Board, you may apply to join an Inn. You must be a member of an Inn to be called to the Bar.

Visit the Bar Standards Board website

Click here

Application Forms

The cost of joining the Inner Temple is £100 and is a one-off payment.

Call to the Bar

Once you have been made a member of the Inn, you may apply to be Called to the Bar. Please note that you must be Called to the Bar before you practise; this includes the practising component of a pupillage.

There are four call dates a year in March, July, October and November. Please note that the July Call is very popular and spaces are allocated quickly. Spaces are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. 

To find further information on being Called to the Bar.

Click here

Qualifying Sessions

Transferring Solicitors, Qualified Foreign Lawyers & Legal Academics who receive approval from the Bar Standards Board on or after 1 September 2020 will need to obtain 10 Qualifying Session (QS) points before being considered eligible to be Called to the Bar. However, if the Bar Standards Board processed your application prior to 1 September 2020 the QS requirement will likely differ, so please refer to the exemption letter issued to you for further guidance. Please visit the Qualifying Sessions section of this website for further information on requirements that need to be met pre-Call to the Bar.

All members are responsible for keeping track of how many Qualifying Sessions they have completed.

Attendance at Call night will continue to count as a QS point until the 30 June 2021.

To find Qualifying Sessions visit the events section, Look for events with QS stated on them

Click here

Temporary Call to the Bar

A Qualified Foreign Lawyer who has regularly exercised full rights of audience for three years in courts which administer law substantially similar to the common law of England and Wales may apply to be called to the Bar by an Inn on a temporary basis for the purpose of appearing as counsel in a particular case before a court of England and Wales.

The rules for Temporary Call to the Bar can be found in the Bar Qualification rules part 4 B2 rQ25 – rQ28

Before you can be called to the Bar and admitted to the Inn you will need:

  • To have obtained from the BSB and Submitted to the Inn a Temporary Qualification Certificate;
  • Completed and signed a Call Declaration;
  • Paid the prescribed fee (£75)

For further information on Qualifying Sessions, please contact:

Jacqueline Fenton

Membership & Records Assistant


General enquiries, Public guided tours, student qualifying session enquiries and membership enquiries including; address changes and record updates

Jacqueline Fenton

Membership & Records Assistant


General enquiries, Public guided tours, student qualifying session enquiries and membership enquiries including; address changes and record updates

Jacqueline Fenton

Membership & Records Assistant


General enquiries, Public guided tours, student qualifying session enquiries and membership enquiries including; address changes and record updates

For support with your application form please contact:

Jude Hodgson

Membership Registrar


Membership enquiries, members' records 1960-, student disciplinary matters and data protection enquiries.

Jude Hodgson

Membership Registrar


Membership enquiries, members' records 1960-, student disciplinary matters and data protection enquiries.

Jude Hodgson

Membership Registrar


Membership enquiries, members' records 1960-, student disciplinary matters and data protection enquiries.