The strategy we propose for the Inn is one of life-long education based upon core values of Excellence, Integrity, Ethics, Inclusion and Community.
- Our vision for the future
- Call to the Bar
- Dr Ivy Williams, An Enduring Inspiration to Women Lawyers
- Gilds and Things
- Human Rights in Britain and France: From Thomas Becket to the French Revolution
- Law in a Time of Plague - Was the Law a Good Doctor
- Lawyers and Diplomats
- The Selden Society: John Selden and Legal History
- The Selden Society: The Fire Courts
- William Crashawe's Library
- International Practice Panel
- Master H Meets...Again
- Race and the Legal Profession
- Show me the money!
- Forensic Document Examination - The Science Today
- The Bar of Ireland, Brexit and the Common Law
- The History of the Law Officers
- Memory as Evidence
- The Absolute Ban on Assisted Dying and Lessons from Canada
- Brain Imaging as Evidence
- Previous Lecture Series and Speakers
- Calling It Out: Professionals, their Regulators, Equity and Fairness
- Proof in International Criminal Trials
- Forensic Identification from the Hand
- Giving Judges a Voice in Democracies
- A Public Health Approach to Equality Law
- The Limits of Fiduciary Rules
- The Predicament and Agency of Refugees
- The Wild and Ridiculous Doctrine of Equality
- What Does It Mean to Be Anti-Racist in a Profession Full of Privileged People?
- 'Sales' on Retention of Title Terms
- Asylum and Immigration: Do Sovereign Island Nations have a Duty to Provide Refuge?
- Assisted Dying
- Britain's Unwritten Constitution
- The Crime of Ecocide
- Does the Bar Need to Communicate and Market Itself More in the Modern World?
- Is Anything More Needed to Ensure Freedom of Speech?
- Is There a Case for Anonymity in Social Media?
- Is the Presumption of Innocence Alive and Well?
- Peace vs Justice
- Prison Reform
- The Rule of Law in Times of International Conflict
- Should UK Judges and ex-Judges Be Sitting in Hong Kong?
- Special Gandhi Lecture
- Temple Women's Forum Autumn Networking Event
- Temple Women's Forum: Planned Breaks and Return to the Bar
- What Does a Master of the Bench Do?
- Frequently asked questions
2022 Vision for Education
Barristers have, in addition to traditional knowledge-based skills, a range of attributes or personal characteristics which they deploy both consciously and unconsciously. Inner Temple should develop its education and training strategy with this in mind.
The Bar faces a number of challenges:
- (a) from the development of artificial intelligence;
- (b) from those who are not legally qualified but who give advice in areas traditionally the preserve of lawyers, and
- (c) the "Post Truth" challenge: this is harder to define, but the use and abuse of social media seems likely to deepen disrespect for expertise.
We identify three major areas that will characterise a barrister’s work over the years ahead. These are:
- (a) Building knowledge;
- (b) Advocacy (both oral and written); and
- (c) The public presentation of the barrister’s profession.
When considering the core function of advocacy, the traditional emphasis on cognitive skills and knowledge of the law should be complemented by greater recognition of the importance of:
- (i) non-cognitive skills (such as collaboration),
- (ii) attitudes (particularly empathy for others, including witnesses and other court users),
- (iii) independence and
- (iv) the values of integrity and respect for the court.
One of the aspects we feel is of primary importance is that the Inn should explicitly include the middle years and senior barristers when considering its future education and training programme.
We emphasise the central importance of advocacy training, lying as it does at the heart of what it means to be a barrister. We recommend that the provision of advocacy training should now be extended beyond the student and the new practitioner to include the middle years and even the senior practitioner. However, we feel that it is neither desirable nor achievable for this to be compulsory; rather, we would seek to make it attractive.
We recommend that in the pursuit of lifelong learning, much more effort should be put into developing teaching methods other than the traditional face-to-face training. The use of technology is central to this.
The Bar's reputation for integrity (including, for example, the existence of the cab-rank rule) is one of its major selling points. Training in ethics needs more prominence. Every aspect of the new education and training programme should be assessed in the context of the need for an ethical component.
Inner Temple should continue to encourage the widest possible pool of candidates both for the Bar in general and membership of the Inn in particular.
The Inn should be a “thought leader” in the legal profession and a centre for promoting values which support the rule of law. The Inner Temple should aim to be recognised as a leading institution promoting the rule of law and advancing knowledge of the British legal system, with a reputation and status similar to those of the Royal Institution or Royal Medical Colleges.