The traineeship at The Inner Temple I believe is second to none. It is a chance to work and study as part of a first-class team in a historic garden that has roots throughout the history of ornamental gardening in Britain, and a unique plant collection that is hard to find anywhere else.
Sam Fry, Garden Trainee 2020-2022Estate & Garden
Home › Estate & Garden › The Inner Temple Garden › The Garden Traineeship (Level 3)
The Garden Traineeship (Level 3)

The Inner Temple Garden Traineeship:
- runs for two years.
- is a hands-on practical traineeship, aimed at those who have already embarked on a career in horticulture, who wish to finesse their ornamental horticultural skills.
- entails studying off site for the RHS Level 3 Horticulture qualification.
- is a unique opportunity to work in small team of highly skilled gardeners in a prestigious, historic garden.
- covers training for certificates where required such as FEPA PA1 & PA6aw (pesticides) and Tractor Training.
- entails plant identification tests and completing an electronic garden diary outside of working hours.
- gives opportunity to lead volunteers and contribute to planning meetings.
- develops social media and garden administration skills.
- teaches observation, applying knowledge and training to become a well-respected and competent gardener.
- provides opportunity for networking within the industry.
A requirement for those applying is RHS Level 2 and a minimum of 6 months professional gardening experience.
The post is advertised at the start of the year that the Traineeship commences.
The next Traineeship will commence in September 2022. With the following commencing in September 2024.