The Inns of Court Alliance for Women (‘ICAW’) and Fountain Court Chambers would like to invite you to a webinar on the topic of managing stress and building resilience.
Managing Stress and Building Resilience - An Evening with Dr Bill Mitchell
Wednesday 30 November
5.30pm - 6.30pm
Zoom Webinar
Modern life and a high pressure career bring numerous causes of stress. Juggling professional responsibilities (workload, time pressures, client expectations, self scrutiny, etc.) along with other stresses such as domestic duties and caring responsibilities, can lead to the loss of balance in life and the potential to become exhausted or ill.
In this session, clinical psychologist Dr Mitchell looks at how we can manage these causes of stress and build resilience, in order to maintain a healthy life. Dr Mitchell will also take questions.
Dr Bill Mitchell is a clinical psychologist who has a particular interest in treating work related psychological difficulties. The author of Time to Breathe which looks at navigating life and work for energy, success and happiness, Dr Mitchell is the voice of Wellbeing at the Bar’s ‘Staying Well’ animation. Outside of private practice, Dr Mitchell works as a consultant to a number of companies and professional services firms and is an adviser on wellbeing to the Bar Council.
Hosted by Fountain Court Chambers
To Book: