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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /home/runcloud/webapps/inner-temple-staging/public/wp-content/plugins/so-widgets-bundle/base/inc/ on line 2479 Inner Temple Spoken History | Inner Temple
The Inner Temple Archive has embarked on an exciting project, to build an oral history of the Inn. It is anticipated that the archive will continue to build and will include in the future, past and present staff and others with Inner Temple connections as well as benchers and members of Hall.
The first tranch of interviews recorded, edited and compiled by the late Daire Brehan, Master of the Bench, was completed on 27 June 2011.
Spoken History Vol. 1 - 2011
Recording includes interviews with:
Masters of the Bench:
E.F. Monier–Williams
Roy Beldam
Godfray Le Quesne
Elizabeth Butler Sloss
Residents – Henry von Blumenthal, Jane Lloyd, Cynthia Langdon-Davies
Students – Zoe Ford, Samantha Gould, Adam Fellows, Gareth Davies, Vejay Goswami
Interviews with actuality:
Pre-Restoration Organ – James Vivian, Director of Music
The Silver Count – Master Deby, Richard Parsons, William Gallagher