Bench Table Orders (BTOs)
The Bench Table Orders ("BTOs") are the governance rules of the Inn. They give details of the constitution and election of the Bench and senior post holders, of committees, of the financial and general management of the Inn and of admission and disciplinary procedures for students, members and Benchers. The main policies of the Inn, such as for anti-bribery, equality and diversity and conflicts of interest, are annexed to the BTOs.
Following a comprehensive review beginning in late 2016, the BTOs were revised for clarity and consistency. They were approved by a Bench Table Parliament in May 2018, with some final adjustments approved in July 2018. Further updates have been made in January 2020, with some changes subject to approval at Bench Table in late February 2020.
The BTOs are available on the Members' Area of the website. If you are not a member of the Inn, the BTOs are available on request to the Sub-Treasurer's Office. Please see the contact details below.

Jennie Collis Price
Head of the Sub-Treasurer's Office
Jennie Collis Price
Head of the Sub-Treasurer's Office

Jennie Collis Price
Head of the Sub-Treasurer's Office
Jennie Collis Price
Head of the Sub-Treasurer's Office